to identify [...] gc_uiDestPort UINT [...] _uiSourcePort UINT 68 This is the
can be sent to a [...] ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT
to a PN-slave or a subslot SLOT UINT Slot number SUBSLOT UINT
Sources POINTER TO Datasource iSourcesCount UINT
with real [...] FbMoveAbsoluteF Methods: Execute prvIsChangedTo [...] (Method) prvIsChangedTo
: SAFEBOOL Function to [...] changes to FSOESTATE [...] E PDUS and assigned to
POINTER TO BYTE uiInputBufferSize UINT The size of the [...] points to iLength INT
ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT [...] Buffer POINTER TO BYTE the [...] to be written
ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT [...] Buffer POINTER TO BYTE the [...] to be written
method to start [...] between calls to this [...] according call to <see