Switch, IDateTimeProvider In [...] Const itfDateTimeProvider IDateTime
SYSIECTASKINFO : STRUCT In [...] Count DWORD dwCycleTime DWORD dwCycleTime
InOut: Scope Name [...] tAvgWriteTime TIME Returns the
) [local time in seconds [...] ) [local time in seconds [...] -time (also known as
Ua_DeleteRawModifiedDetails : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] DeleteModified OpcUa_Boolean StartTime OpcUa_DateTime EndTime
Ua_ReadEventDetails : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] ValuesPerNode OpcUa_UInt32 StartTime OpcUa_DateTime EndTime
controller InOut: Scope [...] Output xTimeOut BOOL [...] time limit reached xTime
ResponseTimeout TIME Time, in which [...] Parameter : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] reply (max 65535ms) tTime
ResponseTimeout TIME Time, in which [...] _MasterParameter : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] reply (max 65535ms) tTime
in CoDeSys 3 [...] visualization be built with