Enable BOOL IN: If set to [...] data by [...] OpState WORD OUT: If the
Type xNewData BOOL wAPPID WORD wLen WORD wResv1 WORD wResv2 WORD s
PortNr WORD h [...] Swap BOOL st [...] VarTelegramm_UDP Output bReady BOOL dw
StartAddress WORD Startaddress of [...] Length WORD length of sync [...] etc. xEnable BOOL
_CmpMgr_Shutdown WORD 16#1 IDs for [...] _CmpMgr_Shutdown WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpMgr_DisableOperation WORD 16#2 EVTVERSION
CompleteAccess (BOOL). If x [...] , then bySubIndex must [...] , by
guarded by VIF [...] StructSize WORD wFlags WORD dwOffset XWORD by
guarded by VIF [...] StructSize WORD wFlags WORD dwOffset XWORD by
guarded by VIF [...] StructSize WORD wFlags WORD dwOffset XWORD by
61850_ENUM_ASN1_TAGS wTagNr WORD xStruct BOOL diLen DINT