IIecVarAccess7.VarAccGetNumOfTypes (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccGetNumOfTypes : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccGetNumOfTypes DINT Input pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
IIecVarAccess7.VarAccGetTypeClassFromType (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccGetTypeClassFromType : TypeClass InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccGetTypeClassFromType TypeClass Input typeDesc ITypeDesc dwFlags DWORD pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
IIecVarAccess7.VarAccGetTypeName (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccGetTypeName : POINTER TO STRING InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccGetTypeName POINTER TO STRING Input typeDesc ITypeDesc pResult POINTER TO SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT
IIecVarAccess7.VarAccGetTypeNodeByIndex (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccGetTypeNodeByIndex : ITypeDesc InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccGetTypeNodeByIndex ITypeDesc Input diIndex DINT pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
IIecVarAccess7.VarAccLeaveAccess (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccLeaveAccess : SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccLeaveAccess SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT
IIecVarAccess8 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IIecVarAccess8 EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Methods: VarAccGetBaseType VarAccHasBaseType Structure: VarAccGetBaseType (Method) VarAccHasBaseType (Method)
IIecVarAccess8.VarAccGetBaseType (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccGetBaseType : ITypeDesc InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccGetBaseType ITypeDesc Input typeDesc ITypeDesc
IIecVarAccess8.VarAccHasBaseType (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccHasBaseType : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccHasBaseType BOOL Input typeDesc ITypeDesc
IIecVarAccess9 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IIecVarAccess9 EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Methods: VarAccBrowseDown2 VarAccBrowseGetNext2 VarAccBrowseRecursive VarAccBrowseUp2 VarAccExitVarInfo VarAccGetClientOffset VarAccGetNode4 VarAccGetNodeFullPath4 VarAccGetNodeName4 VarAccInitVarInfo Structure: VarAccBrowseDown2 (Method) VarAccBrowseGetNext2 (Method) VarAccBrowseRecursive (Method) VarAccBrowseUp2 (Method) VarAccExitVarInfo (Method) VarAccGetClientOffset (Method) VarAccGetNode4 (Method) VarAccGetNodeFullPath4 (Method) VarAccGetNodeName4 (Method) VarAccInitVarInfo (Method)
ITypeDescExecutable.MethodCallTypeIndex (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY MethodCallTypeIndex : WORD Returns the Call Type ID (internal index in the glue code, subject to change)