] OF INT The input [...] element in frames. -1 [...] . Example: 41,23,-1,-1
] OF INT The input [...] element in frames. -1 [...] . Example: 41,23,-1,-1
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parenthese ‘[’ length INT [...] ‘[1]’ or 5 for ‘[3,4]’ * )
‘[’ length INT The length [...] for ‘[1]’ or 5 for
start time of the 1 [...] CountVariables INT The number of
] OF INT The input [...] element in frames. -1 [...] . Example: 41,23,-1,-1
Read : ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE [...] ReadWritten : ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE [...] Write : ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE
NumOfAxes INT Axes designed [...] page Here I’ve: 1 [...] StructXYChartAxis iNumOfCurves INT