6502SupportedModes DWORD dw1018_1VendorID [...] library error ID FB [...] message. FB
the id of the listener. Or -1, if the
Error eErrorID Error [...] message send und reply message received.
AND FOR usVendorID UINT Vendor ID us [...] OctetString ARRAY [0..1] OF USINT
reserved1 RTS [...] Command ID usVendorID WORD PCI Vendor ID
of the output iErrorID [...] Model . The iErrorID [...] value of iErrorID to
combined with the FB1 [...] 2.Execute is TRUE . FB1 [...] message indicating that
_CmpSupervisor DWORD 16#8F ComponentID [...] _CmpSupervisor_StateChanged WORD 16#1 IDs for [...] _CmpSupervisor_StateChanged WORD 16#1 EVT
ProductionDate UINT ulLicenseFlags1 [...] LicenseFlags2 UDINT uiNetXLicenseId [...] Reserved ARRAY [0..1] OF UINT
by NetID + 1 [...] received from NodeID [...] NETWORK USINT 1 CAN