CAAStorage. If the text from a [...] of a column (both for insert and
_TypeString Measures a given string using a given font [...] fits into a given
a FileLimit of [...] retries of a database [...] fail due to a busy
Changes on a user [...] _REMOVE AND VUM_INSERT In
User3 : BOOL Changes on a [...] _ADD, VUM_REMOVE AND VUM_INSERT
for a function [...] with a static memory [...] with a memory area
User4 : BOOL Changes on a [...] _ADD, VUM_REMOVE AND VUM_INSERT
ToUpper (Function) StrCaseCmpA (Function) StrCaseCmpEndA (Function) StrCaseCmpStartA
a given character [...] /insert
FbXYChartDataProvider (FunctionBlock) GetAxisFontLabel [...] CaseCmpW (Function) StrCpyWtoA [...] DataProvider (Interface) GetAxisFontLabel