Queue UDINT The size of pbyBufferOut [...] the radius of a [...] of a programmed
executed for a list of [...] . InOut: Scope Name [...] ] OF DWORD A pointer
parameters of a [...] UaClient_ModifySubscription) of a subscription [...] the server. InOut
_BACNET_CALLBACK_TYPE.BACNET_CALLBACK_WRITE InOut: Scope Name [...] of pParameter. ID of the occured
_BACNET_CB_TYPE.CB_REINIT_DEV InOut: Scope Name [...] of pParameter. ID of the occured
_BACNET_CB_TYPE.CB_DCC InOut: Scope Name [...] of pParameter. ID of the occured
_BACNET_CB_TYPE.CB_TIME_SYNC InOut: Scope Name [...] of pParameter. ID of the occured
_BACNET_CB_TYPE.CB_UTC_TIME_SYNC InOut: Scope Name [...] of pParameter. ID of the occured
Initialize : UDINT InOut [...] PlcAddr STRING The address of [...] range of a UINT udi
Channel. The state of this [...] CreateChannelResult. InOut: Scope Name [...] Addr STRING the address of