CommunicationState : DED.ERROR Starts [...] CommunicationState DED.ERROR Input e
OptTransferSuccessful POINTER TO BOOL pOptError [...] _AllNumericTypesUnion optError
BusMessageCount 12 ReturnBusCommunicationErrorCount 13 ReturnBusExceptionError
other error has occurred. See the SMC_Error
Entry Output uiDriveInterfaceError UINT strDriveInterfaceError
DeviceDiagnosisInfo (Method) GetDeviceError [...] DeviceState (Method) GetSpecificDeviceError
DeviceDiagnosisInfo (Method) GetDeviceError [...] DeviceState (Method) GetSpecificDeviceError
FlangeOriImg : SMC_Error Given the [...] FlangeOriImg SMC_Error Inout ori
FlangeOriImg : SMC_Error Given the [...] FlangeOriImg SMC_Error Inout ori
PositionFromOrientation : SMC_ERROR NO [...] PositionFromOrientation SMC_ERROR Input m