TabOrder (Interface) GetTabOrderIdArray [...] Rectangles (Method) IRequiresInitMeasureString [...] ElementProvidesChildElements (Interface) GetElementIdArray
objects (priority array [...] ProcessID Running String [...] BACnetStack (Method) String
string in an [...] declaration should respect
Ua_BuildInfo (Struct) OpcUa_ByteString [...] Ua_StatusResult (Struct) OpcUa_String [...] Ua_Variant (Struct) OpcUa_VariantArray
Common.IOL_Error ; productText : STRING [...] Text ); // an ARRAY[] OF BYTE
SizeOfElement (Method) Visu_FbString [...] (Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString [...] HandleSameChars (Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString
Ua_BuildInfo (Struct) OpcUa_ByteString [...] Ua_StatusResult (Struct) OpcUa_String [...] Ua_Variant (Struct) OpcUa_VariantArray
FBError ARRAY [0..g [...] CaptDesc ARRAY [0..7] OF SMC [...] DriveInterfaceError STRING(255) adat
_REF_SM3 fbeFBError ARRAY [0 [...] _REF_SM3 aCaptDesc ARRAY [...] DriveInterfaceError STRING(255) AXIS
SizeOfElement (Method) Visu_FbString [...] (Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString [...] HandleSameChars (Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString