^ . referenceValue UDINT The [...] parameter is used, it is [...] value of the library
^ . referenceValue DWORD The [...] parameter is used, it is [...] value of the library
^ . referenceValue LINT The [...] parameter is used, it is [...] value of the library
^ . referenceValue LWORD The [...] parameter is used, it is [...] value of the library
^ . referenceValue USINT The [...] parameter is used, it is [...] value of the library
^ . referenceValue SINT The [...] parameter is used, it is [...] value of the library
The value that [...] parameter is used, it is [...] value of the library
^ . referenceValue STRING The [...] parameter is used, it is [...] value of the library
^ . referenceValue WORD The [...] parameter is used, it is [...] value of the library
the memory used for [...] ), where the string is stored. If this value