its name at index n [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input nIndex Cmp [...] member to get. Output
which belongs to this [...] -Controller wants to read [...] -Controller wants to read
VariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.VariableInformationStruct3 Pointer to the variable [...] also needs to be
VariableInformation POINTER TO VariableInformationStruct2 n
XML” type=”IN”>Handle to [...] =”IN”>Pointer to [...] Name” type=”IN”>Pointer to
to be manipulated N BYTE Position of the bit to be
TO STRING n [...] VariableInformation POINTER TO Iec
InstanceID (UDINT + N [...] Assembly N (Index of [...] InstanceID (UDINT + N
TxISOSPDU POINTER TO ty [...] ISO_SPDU Output nState INT s
Name POINTER TO WSTRING [...] to the device name [...] MaxLength POINTER TO UDINT <param