BOOL Flag to [...] active ID INT The
61850_GooseDecodeData : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] 61850_GooseDecodeData BOOL Input p [...] DataPointSize INT p
Done BOOL Operation done [...] errors error INT Error
FctSetSimpleRect : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] FctSetSimpleRect BOOL Input p [...] StructSimpleRectangle iX1 INT iY1 INT i
SzFame INT xIsRemoved BOOL [...] ClientIdLocal INT Client ID [...] RegistSV BOOL If the client
Done BOOL Operation done [...] errors error INT Error
FctIncreaseCurrentElementIndex : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] FctIncreaseCurrentElementIndex BOOL Input p [...] StructClientData iInc INT
NetVarPDO_Rx INT p [...] VarPDO_Rx_Udp nNetVarPDO_Tx INT [...] VarPDO_Tx_Udp bByteSwap BOOL dw
RegulatorOnIn BOOL bDriveStartIn BOOL f [...] InvertDirection BOOL Output b
RegulatorOnIn BOOL bDriveStartIn BOOL f [...] InvertDirection BOOL Output b