FileGetStatus2 (Function) SysFileGetTime [...] tables ¶ 1 Based on [...] 3 on 20
cycle time of the [...] on Asynchronous [...] 3 on 28
TrsTimeout TIME Transmission [...] RcvTimeout TIME Receiving [...] ConnActTimeout TIME Connection
Type Comment ulTime [...] array depends on the
on the priority [...] task. ulTaskSleepTime
the component on [...] DateRange (Struct) BACnetDateTime [...] SetpointReference (Struct) BACnetTime
_CamIn , it operates on a [...] all the time. DeadTimeCompensation LREAL 0 Dead time
Type Comment ulTime [...] depends on the data
on the input [...] detected on the input [...] the same time. The
registered at any time. If [...] . Depending on the type of [...] time to be processed