VisuUser [...] whether the user is in [...] runtime-based user
VisuUser [...] whether the user is in [...] the user belongs to
IVisuUserManagement2 ¶ LoginToUserGroup (Method) LoginToUser
IVisuUserManagement3 ¶ ChangePassword (Method [...] (Method) User
IVisuUserMgmt4 ¶ ChangeUser4 (Method) GetUsers4 (Method
VisuUser [...] -based user management dwUserDB DWORD It
VisuUserMgmt.LogoutRts (METH) ¶ METHOD LogoutRts It does a
VisuUser [...] Input parrUser [...] ] OF VUM_User
VisuUserMgmt.LastResult (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY LastResult : UDINT
VisuUserMgmt.SetLastError (METH) ¶ METHOD SetLastError : BOOL InOut: Scope