Comment diColor1 DINT 16#0 First color bTranspColor1 [...] Angle INT Angle of
Position> = 1 is the first [...] Length INT iPosition INT
Position> = 1 is the first [...] Length INT iPosition INT
Initial Comment diColor1 [...] FPlot.COLOR.Black First color bTranspColor1 [...] transparency iAngle INT
tyIEC61850_AT_INC1 (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE tyIEC61850_AT_INC1 [...] IEC61850_AT_Origin stVal tyIEC61850_AT_INT
position iPosition = 1 [...] ) iLengthInput INT [...] LengthToReplace INT i
From : INT Searches for a [...] From INT Input cbs [...] relative to 1, where the
Position> = 1 is the first [...] iLength INT iPosition INT
position iPosition = 1 [...] LengthToReplace INT iPosition INT
position iPosition = 1 [...] ) iLengthInput INT [...] LengthToReplace INT i