SMC_CAMTable_UINT_128_2 (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC_CAMTable_UINT_128_2 : STRUCT This STRUCT represents a non equidistant curve table. The table can handle 128 elements of type UINT . Note For information about technical and table units please see the documentation of SMC_CAMTable_LREAL_128_2 . InOut: Name Type Comment Table ARRAY [0..127] OF ARRAY [0..1] OF UINT Array of master/slave position pairs in table units. Index 0 refers to the master, index 1 to the slave. The master values in the array must be filled in ascending order and must start with the master start position and end with the master end position. For each master value, the corresponding slave value must be set. fEditorMasterMin REAL The minimum master value in technical units. fEditorMasterMax REAL The maximum master value in technical units. fEditorSlaveMin REAL The minimum slave value in technical units. fEditorSlaveMax REAL The maximum slave value in technical units. fTableMasterMin REAL The minimum master value in table units. fTableMasterMax REAL The maximum master value in table units. fTableSlaveMin REAL The minimum slave value in table units. fTableSlaveMax REAL The maximum slave value in table units.
Administrative/Configuration ¶ SMC3_BrakeSetState (Enum) SMC3_PersistPositionDiag (Enum) SMC3_PersistPositionLogical_Data (Struct) SMC3_PersistPositionSingleturn_Data (Struct) SMC3_PersistPosition_Data (Struct)
SMC3_BrakeSetState (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC3_BrakeSetState : The function block SMC3_BrakeControl uses this values to determine how the drive sets the mechanical brake. InOut: Name Comment SMC_BRAKE_AUTO The opening and closing of the brake is handled by the drive itself. SMC_BRAKE_OPEN The brake is open. SMC_BRAKE_CLOSE The brake is closed.
SMC3_PersistPositionLogical_Data (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC3_PersistPositionLogical_Data : STRUCT InOut: Name Type fOffsetPosition LREAL fLogicalOffsetPosition LREAL wCheckSum WORD
SMC3_PersistPositionSingleturn_Data (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC3_PersistPositionSingleturn_Data : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment fOffsetPosition LREAL dwPosOffsetForResiduals DWORD dwActPosition DWORD iIncrementsCompensated INT No longer used by the axis. A value of -1 indicates that the record was written by a version >= V3.5 SP4. iTurn INT wCheckSum WORD
GetLibVersion (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetLibVersion : VERSION This function has been automatically generated from the project information. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetLibVersion VERSION
GetLibVersionNumber (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetLibVersionNumber : DWORD This function has been automatically generated from the project information. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetLibVersionNumber DWORD
IsLibReleased (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IsLibReleased : BOOL This function has been automatically generated from the project information. InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsLibReleased BOOL
Project Information ¶ GetBooleanProperty (Function) GetCompany (Function) GetNumberProperty (Function) GetTextProperty (Function) GetTextProperty2 (Function) GetTitle (Function) GetVersion (Function) GetVersionProperty (Function)