MC_OUTPUT_REF (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE MC_OUTPUT_REF : ARRAY [1..32] OF BOOL This ENUM defines 32 tappet outputs in form of a Boolean array.
MC_TAPPETMODE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE MC_TAPPETMODE : This global variable is part of the library SM3_Basic . It is used at the function block MC_DigitalCAMSwitch and specifies whether the tappet values refer to the set position of the master axis (1) or the actual position (2). In case of auto detection (0), the function block decides depending on the control state of the drive if it uses the set values ( bRegulatorOn = TRUE ) or the actual values ( bRegulatorOn = FALSE ). InOut: Name Initial Comment tp_mode_auto 0 Auto mode tp_mode_demandposition 1 Use set values tp_mode_actualposition 2 Use actual values
MC_TRACK_REF (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE MC_TRACK_REF : ARRAY [1..32] OF MC_TRACK_TR Data structure containing 32 track-descriptions, e.g. the ON and OFF compensations per output/track. To be evaluated by MC_DigitalCamSwitch . See MC_TRACK_TR .
MC_TRACK_TR (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE MC_TRACK_TR : STRUCT Part of the MC_TRACK_REF data structure. InOut: Name Type Comment OnCompensation LREAL A delay (value positive) or an early switch-on (value negative) can be set. The time is given in seconds. May affect whether the switch is inverted or not. See the output SwitchCorrupted of MC_DigitalCamSwitch . Always used for switching ON, regardless the direction of the axis. OffCompensation LREAL A delay (value positive) or an early switch-off (value negative) can be set. The time is given in seconds. May affect whether the switch is inverted or not. See the output SwitchCorrupted of MC_DigitalCamSwitch . Not used in time-based mode. Always used for switching OFF, regardless the direction of the axis. Hysteresis LREAL Additionally, a hysteresis can be set, which avoids a permanent switching of the output, which might occur e.g. if the servo-controller is exactly in switch-position and slightly swinging around that position due to the position control. A track won’t switch if the distance to the last switching position is smaller than this variable.
TRIGGER_REF (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE TRIGGER_REF : STRUCT This structure describes a trigger input for MC_TouchProbe . The axis driver decides how the trigger number is mapped to hardware triggers. InOut: Name Type Initial Comment iTriggerNumber INT Trigger channel, defined by driver. Must be in the range [0, SMC_MAX_NUM_TRIGGERS -1]. Only used if bFastLatching is TRUE . Please check the driver documentation (PDF file inside driver library) for details on the used driver. bFastLatching BOOL TRUE TRUE : Latching is done in drive (precise). FALSE : Latching is done with bInput in the cycle of the motion task (unprecise). bInput BOOL Trigger signal when bFastLatching = FALSE .
SMC3_PersistPosition_Data (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC3_PersistPosition_Data : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment fOffsetPosition LREAL dwPosOffsetForResiduals DWORD iIncrementsCompensated INT No longer used by the axis. A value of -1 indicates that the record was written by a version >= V3.5 SP4. iTurn INT wCheckSum WORD
CAM ¶ CamSegment SMC_CAM_SEGMENT (Struct) MC_CAM_ID (Struct) MC_CAM_REF (FunctionBlock) MC_STARTMODE (Enum) SMC_CAMTAPPETACTION (Enum) SMC_CAMTAPPETTYPE (Enum) SMC_CAMTable_LREAL_128_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_LREAL_128_2 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_LREAL_256_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_LREAL_256_2 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_REAL_128_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_REAL_128_2 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_REAL_256_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_REAL_256_2 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_UDINT_128_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_UDINT_128_2 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_UDINT_256_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_UDINT_256_2 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_UINT_128_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_UINT_128_2 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_UINT_256_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_UINT_256_2 (Struct) SMC_CAMTappet (Struct) SMC_CAMXYVA (Struct) SMC_CAM_TYPE (Enum)
CamSegment ¶ SMC_CAM_SEGMENT (Struct)
MC_CAM_ID (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE MC_CAM_ID : STRUCT This STRUCT is an internal data structure that describes a cam table. It is generated by MC_CAMTableSelect and given as an input to MC_CamIn . InOut: Name Type Initial pCT POINTER TO BYTE Periodic BOOL FALSE MasterAbsolute BOOL FALSE SlaveAbsolute BOOL FALSE StartMaster LREAL 0 EndMaster LREAL 0 StartSlave LREAL 0 EndSlave LREAL 0 byCompatibilityMode BYTE
MC_CAM_REF (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK MC_CAM_REF This function block represents a generic cam. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input wCamStructID WORD 16#DC34 By means of this variable, which always has a constant value, MC_CamTableSelect checks if the entered data structure is of type MC_CAM_REF . byType SMC_CAM_TYPE Describes the cam type, that is the way in which the cam is represented. byVarType BYTE Defines the type of variables that enter in the curve table. Only used for byType SMC_CAM_TYPE.X or SMC_CAM_TYPE.XY 0: <unused> 1: INT 2: UINT 3: DINT 4: UDINT 5: REAL 6: LREAL xStart LREAL Start position of the master defining the range of master values available xEnd LREAL End position of the master defining the range of master values available. nElements INT Number of elements that is depending on cam type the number of slave positions, master/slave positions or XYVA points. nTappets INT Number of tappet switch actions. pce POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to actual data element which type depends on byType: POLY: pce points to an array of |SMC_CAMElement| X: pce points to SMC_CAMTable_..._1 e.g.: SMC_CAMTable_LREAL_128_1 XY: pce points to SMC_CAMTable_..._2 e.g.: SMC_CAMTable_UDINT_256_2 XYVA: pce points to an array of SMC_CAMXYVA pt POINTER TO SMC_CAMTappet dwTappetActiveBits DWORD Internal variable strCAMName STRING byInterpolationQuality BYTE 1 1: Linear interpolation, 3: Cubic interpolation byCompatibilityMode BYTE Compatibility mode: Bit0: TRUE : Periodic execution of tables with master width xPartofLM BOOL TRUE : Generated by programming system -> maintained by managers.