IVisuManagerBase.UnregisterVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD UnregisterVisu : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return UnregisterVisu INT Input visu IVisualisation
IVisuStreamFileNameInfo (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IVisuStreamFileNameInfo This interface can be optionally implemented by implementors of IVisuStreamReader or IVisuStreamWriter if a proposal of the filename to select should be used. Properties: FileNameProposal Structure: FileNameProposal (Property)
IVisuStreamFileNameInfo.FileNameProposal (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FileNameProposal : STRING This property will be called to retrieve the filename, that might as well contain a file extension. The retrieved filename will be used as the proposed filename within the according file path selection dialog. The extension will be used for an according file filter
IVisuManagerBase.NextMainVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD NextMainVisu : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return NextMainVisu INT Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
IVisuManagerBase.RegisterVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD RegisterVisu : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return RegisterVisu INT Input visu IVisualisation
IVisuManagerBase.SetMainVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD SetMainVisu : INT Change the shown visu for the given client. If no according visu is found, nothing will hapeen. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SetMainVisu INT Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData The client whose visu should be switched, in case of NULL, nothing will happen stVisu STRING The name of the visu to be switched to @IECCodeConverter_Type: String
IVisuManagerBase.GetFrameManagerBase (METH) ¶ METHOD GetFrameManagerBase : IFrameManagerBase InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetFrameManagerBase IFrameManagerBase
IVisuManagerBase.GetInternCommandManagerBase (METH) ¶ METHOD GetInternCommandManagerBase : IInternCommandManagerBase InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetInternCommandManagerBase IInternCommandManagerBase
IVisuManagerBase.LastMainVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD LastMainVisu : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return LastMainVisu INT Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
Visu_TypeString (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE Visu_TypeString : POINTER TO BYTE This type will be used for all strings occuring in the visualization, can be interpreted as pointer to string or pointer to wstring