functions are named as [...] parameter as the base [...] be finished as
SpecificTagIn STRING(32) serves as a [...] TagIn STRING(32) extended [...] Identification). FunctionTagIn STRING(32
defined as follows: The [...] as a reset request [...] immediately. As long as the
and Subindices as well as the transfer [...] Common.IOL_Error ; productText : STRING
TRUE as soon as the [...] as prescribed [...] ProgramName STRING Name of the CNC
work as a system [...] _IEC_HANDLE Input szEvent STRING
) X_AR (Action) X_AS [...] 61850_ReadISOHeader (Function) IEC61850_ReadString
AlarmGroup STRING uiAlarmID UINT [...] messages are provided as
. Handling is done as [...] the byte string [...] TO RtsByteString
STRING ‘’ will be used [...] Converter_Type: String CURRENTLANGUAGE STRING ‘’ is always