Offset of the cache [...] the last axis [...] cache, i.e. the axis
Type Comment fOffsetPosition LREAL dwPosOffset [...] by the axis. A
Inout AxisGroup AXIS [...] .AXISPOS_REF represent axes of [...] Positions ARRAY [0..5] OF SMC
profile. Note If Axis [...] set, then Axis [...] on top of MC
motions of additional [...] of the additional [...] <Additional axis number
, and jerk of an axis [...] dynamics of the axis [...] values of the axis
offset of the master [...] controlling the Master axis [...] . Otherwise, the Slave axis
Along the X-Axis of [...] -Axis of the MCS in [...] Along the Z-Axis of
Along the X-Axis of [...] -Axis of the MCS in [...] Along the Z-Axis of
the tool offset [...] given tool offset, an [...] system of the start