Segment0 ULINT s0 LREAL nSegment1 ULINT s1 LREAL Return
Segment0 ULINT s0 LREAL nSegment1 ULINT s1 LREAL Return
Id s0 LREAL s1 LREAL [...] _EvalCache Inout Const s
start. Input s0 LREAL s1 LREAL segment
segment SegmentId s0 LREAL s1 LREAL
) = v0(s0(x)) + v1(s1 [...] of q0 s1 Param [...] v1(x) are the
(s1(x)). (In [...] of q0 s1 Param [...] q1(x) are the
s1 Param [...] .ErrorContext s0 Param [...] Length of ef0 ef1