Arr: ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING [...] specific area. iStartIndex := 0; The values 0
EnumXYChartCvFillType.PLAIN Area curve filling [...] FPlot.COLOR.NOT_DEFINED Area curve filling [...] FPlot.COLOR.TRANSP_MEDIUM Area curve filling
SafetyIoServices_Shm3S Version [...] shared memory provided [...] .12.2018, 14:39:50. LibDoc
is 0, then no [...] elements is a G0 element [...] 000 G01 X10 Y0 F100 N
piece of memory [...] memory p [...] AdditionalData is not 0. Only the
0..9 => memory [...] : index 0..9, 20..29 [...] -consecutive) memory blocks
installed, this can be 0 [...] 0. In this case [...] memory block of
Initial NO_ERROR 0 [...] NOMORE_MEMORY 30103
RecordIndex INT The 0 relative [...] memory, where the data
additional memory is needed, 0 has to be