WriteRegister “data model” ¶ The “data model” allows [...] index for the “data
value. abyData DATA Data array of CAN [...] ); Transmit message: time
Initial Input nDataItems INT -1 pDataItems POINTER TO NetVarData
function. udiNumMsgExcReplyIllData [...] , signaling illegal data [...] in time (“request
ETrigTo udiTime [...] time for executing [...] operating time limit
ETrigTo udiTime [...] time for executing [...] operating time limit
udiTimeOut UDINT [...] abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usiData
udiTimeOut UDINT abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usiData
uiDataLength UINT dwData DWORD udiTime
matches the data [...] the data gets [...] Comment tCycleTime TIME