returns TRUE if the [...] real number of
occurence of STR2 in STR1. If no occurence of STR1 is found, then
ends). If q0(x,t) and q1(x,t) are the [...] ) + q1(s1(x), t) + c
following form: w_k+1 = w [...] by / j_low if d [...] acceleration zero). Phase 1
State + 1 ; END_IF 1 [...] Read : ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE [...] ReadWritten : ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE
handling*) ; END_IF 1 [...] FileStdState := 1 ; END_IF IF [...] *) ; END_IF 1 : (* write
State + 1 ; END_IF 1 [...] Read : ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE [...] Write : ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE
2 / \ . / \ q1 . a \ . \ . \ . \. J1 x <-----+ 0 | | v y Note q1 and q
the planes h0 and h1 . Fails if h0 and h1 [...] _Plane h1 SMC_Plane
State + 1 ; END_IF 1 [...] DataDownload : ARRAY [1..16] OF BYTE [...] DataUpload : ARRAY [1..16] OF BYTE