function to check that a value of LWORD is [...] .WSTRING_LENGTH) “” A custom error
function to check that a value of SINT is [...] .WSTRING_LENGTH) “” A custom error
function to check that a value of SINT is less [...] .WSTRING_LENGTH) “” A custom error
function to check that a value of ULINT is [...] .WSTRING_LENGTH) “” A custom error
function to check that a value of USINT is [...] .WSTRING_LENGTH) “” A custom error
function to check that a value of WORD is less [...] .WSTRING_LENGTH) “” A custom error
function to check that a value of LINT is less [...] .WSTRING_LENGTH) “” A custom error
>If a name is [...] _IEC_HANDLE <description>Create a new [...] Event, typically a system wide
_INT Limits the slope of a value to a certain [...] of the slope is
accept a request to connect to a socket. A [...] is returned. The