string contains of [...] to the string to check length INT
it in the string [...] OutputValue STRING This is the string representation
LogClass INT iPosition INT [...] LogMessage STRING(255) p
Comment strText STRING [...] Depth INT only for leafs
CharBufferString [...] string is equal to a [...] Position INT The position
Status STRING(200) Current [...] GoCBRef tyIEC61850_AT_VisSTRING [...] TimeAllowedToLive tyIEC61850_AT_INT
nIndex INT -1 nSubIndex INT -1 di [...] Status INT bDataNew BOOL
OutputValue STRING stVariableValue STRING iCaretPosition INT The current
RegisteredFrames : INT Will return the [...] RegisteredFrames INT Input p [...] _MANFRAMES_MAXNUM] OF STRING(255
Ua_DiagnosticInfo NoOfStringTable OpcUa_Int32 StringTable POINTER TO OpcUa_String