error. AR_ID DWORD [...] exchange cyclic data [...] paramterization data for each
TLSContext : NBS.ERROR Sets all the data neccessary [...] TLSContext NBS.ERROR Input x
a specific eErrorID [...] this case eErrorID [...] this case eErrorID
¶ Enums DataSourceError (Enum) DataSourceMonitoringState (Enum) DataSource
BOOL ErrorID SMC_ERROR errorPos SMC_NC_SourcePosition [...] by SMC_ReadNCFile2
Item (Function) PlcServiceLog_DumpDataItem2 [...] DwordToHexString (Function) UtilFindDataItemById [...] .5.8.0 Categories Intern|Data
_BACNET_STATUS.BACNET_STATUS_OK the data in p [...] worked. Input pSource [...] data structure. This
worked. Input pSource [...] data structure. This data structure
.IStack, DED.IDevice2, DED [...] RootNode MasterID , inherited [...] DeviceDiagnosisInfo GetDeviceError
errorResult may hold [...] ETrigATo xError BOOL TRUE : Error