ContainerSize BOOL Input iWidth INT iHeight INT
; Corresponding to the i [...] specific area. i [...] ..9 are returned. i
VisuStructLevelLine Input iWhichAx INT iWhichLv INT which axis I
VisuStructLevelLine Input iWhichAx INT iWhichLv INT which axis I
beginning iDir = 1 or end iDir = -1 . In [...] _GeoInfo l LREAL iDir INT
Comment iX INT speed in [...] X iY INT speed in [...] Y iZ INT speed in
Output bEnd BOOL iTokenStartOffset __XWORD i
Input iInput INT 1 <= ABS(iInput) <= 4
ValidIndex BOOL Input iRow INT iOffset INT
values: 0..1 i [...] file iSubElement INT [...] with the same i