FctIncreaseSimpleRectIfRotated BOOL Inout simpleRectToAdjust VisuStructSimpleRectangle orgPaintRect VisuStruct
pEvent POINTER TO VisuStructEvent
to initialize the [...] to a given F-SPS and to register it
TO StructServerUseAsTCP [...] values of server to
TO StructClientUseAsTCP [...] values of client to
DebugItfAddrTo [...] InputDataSave (Struct) VisuStruct
CellsData : POINTER TO VisuStructTableColumnSimpleDynamicCellsData
Clipping Complementary method to Push [...] Type Input rect VisuStructSimpleRectangle
Gradient POINTER TO VisuStruct [...] driver rect VisuStruct [...] drawing operation is to
ClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData A pointer to a VisuStruct