statistics of a series of values. InOut: Name [...] N UDINT Number of
end of the file. If the end of the file [...] returned. InOut: Scope
properties of one axis. InOut [...] Axis_Properties Out: The properties of
properties of one axis. InOut [...] Axis_Properties Out: The properties of
) ¶ InOut: Scope Name [...] .LITTLE The endianness of a [...] .MEDIUM The type system of
the ancestors of itfM. InOut: Scope [...] ancestors are of interest
length of PT on every rising edge on IN. InOut [...] Trigger for Start of
implementation of GetReceiveQueueLength InOut: Scope Name [...] ReceiveQueueLength CAA.COUNT number of
implementation of GetTransmitPoolSize InOut: Scope Name [...] TransmitPoolSize CAA.COUNT number of
implementation of GetTransmitQueueLength InOut: Scope Name [...] TransmitQueueLength CAA.COUNT number of