status of request In [...] aFifoErrors ARRAY [...] Constants.FIFO_ERROR_SIZE] OF Proxy
PreAllocation). The base array of [...] amount of collisions [...] InitialSize UDINT Initial size of
TO ARRAY [0..0] OF [...] : ARRAY [0..99] OF SMC [...] _GEOINFO objects in a list of
Data : ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE [...] returns the contents of [...] .Get_Attribute_List ; arResponse : ARRAY
EncSessions POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] .gc_usiMaxEncapsulationSessions - 1)] OF CIP
MACAddress ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE
Buffer POINTER TO ARRAY [0..8191] OF BYTE di
3_CiA_DSP402_StateMachine aCaptDesc ARRAY [0..7] OF SMC
SercosError UDINT abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usi
TimeOut UDINT abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usi