]) Velocity LREAL Value of [...] ] Acceleration LREAL Value of [...] ²] Deceleration LREAL Value of
IsIntervalElapsed (Function) CheckNotifiableTransitionOf [...] TimeRangeFilterCriteria (Function) FormatCommentValue [...] Timestamp2 (Function) FormatTypedValue
extension of the IAlarm [...] AlarmGroup , inherited from IAlarm GetCurrentValue [...] InternalID , inherited from IAlarm GetLatchVar1Value
value of the IDN [...] value of the IDN [...] , maximum and value can
color of the graph [...] index of the variable within all variables iValue
color of the graph In [...] index of the variable [...] diValue DINT The
type of the graph In [...] index of the variable within all variables iValue
Option DINT pOptionValue DWORD Address of [...] OptionLength DINT Length of
locations of attached [...] Indicates the absence of a value ABOVE
ParameterNumber DINT fValue LREAL bUseDword BOOL pdwValue [...] CaptDescTmp ARRAY [0..7] OF SMC3_CaptureDescription