PresentContextList ARRAY [0..1] OF ty
ARRAY [0..63] OF BYTE [...] of the message [...] The receiver ID of
, and jerk of each [...] motion of the axis [...] . VelFactors ARRAY [0
) of a client [...] example of how to [...] instance of NBS
/content of a specified [...] PropertyID) independend of any client [...] that all elements of
FctAdjustElemRectAndSelectRect (Function) VisuFctCalculateCompleteSurroundingSimpleRectOfElemArray (Function) VisuFctCalculateSurroundingSimpleRectOfElemArray
DataPoints POINTER TO ARRAY [1..C_IEC61850_MAX_DATAPOINTS] OF tyIEC61850_DataPoint
TO ARRAY [0..9] OF [...] In the case of [...] the case of VISU
FctSelectElement : DWORD In the case of [...] the case of VISU [...] Position POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9
DataDownload : ARRAY [1..16] OF BYTE [...] DataUpload : ARRAY [1..16] OF BYTE [...] MailInput : ARRAY [1..16] OF BYTE