for. pInput2 POINTER TO VisuFbInputBase2 [...] index, used with VisuFbInputBase2
_IEC_HANDLE pVarInfo POINTER TO VariableInformationStruct2 [...] EntryPoint BOOL p
Len1 UDINT pSt2 POINTER TO [...] comes after access 2 [...] comes before access 2
Len1 UDINT pCmp2 POINTER [...] component 2, 0 if they [...] component 2. InOut: Scope
VarAccess_Interfaces.IBaseTreeNode Input pNode IecVarAccess_Interfaces.IBaseTreeNode diIndex DINT pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.VariableInformationStruct2
VisuFctGetEffectiveTextProperties2 [...] VisuFctGetEffectiveTextProperties2 [...] Return VisuFctGetEffectiveTextProperties2
_IEC_HANDLE pVarInfo POINTER TO VariableInformationStruct2 [...] EntryPoint BOOL p
Len1 UDINT pSt2 POINTER TO [...] identifier 2, 0 if they [...] identifier 2. InOut: Scope
terminated) p2 POINTER TO [...] after path 2, 0 if [...] path 2. InOut: Scope
area (buffer 1) pBuffer2 [...] Input p [...] area (buffer 2) udi