structure to 0 and then [...] MESSAGEHEADERSND, if you set SND. If you don’t set
ErrorID ); IF eErrorID = SHD.ERROR.NO_ERROR THEN (* do some work with pData *) END_IF
: if q represents a rotation (i.e. if |q| = 1) then -q
. If idxInMain is [...] = 0. If kinMain is [...] kinematics, then kin
. If idxInMain is [...] = 0. If kinMain is [...] kinematics, then kin
the slave. (Even if [...] Aborted = TRUE . If the Master [...] . (If the master is
If true then x [...] FALSE Is TRUE if a [...] FALSE Is TRUE if any
.e. if |q| = 1) then [...] result is undefined if [...] quaternions: if q
implemented explicitly. If [...] implementation, then the
implemented explicitly. If [...] implementation, then the