_IEC_RESULT Write a string value [...] of string to write [...] SettgSetString
encapsulates the data of a string based on a byte [...] of the string m_AsString
ID STRING The id of the [...] GetTextByStringId (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetTextByString
-Object using a STRING [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_UNSIGNED The length of the [...] BACnetObjectBase.SetBACnetBitString
a string value [...] of string value [...] SettgGetString
CharBufferString [...] From Does a strcpy from the source string
OpcUa_String (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_String [...] Ua_UInt16 uLength Opc
Replace Replaces <iLengthToReplace> characters of our string [...] CharBufferString
Return <iLength> characters of our string [...] CharBufferString
] OF BYTE pbyString [...] Dummy.XYChartMeasureString [...] XYChartMeasureString