Out: Name Type Comment st [...] (case-insensitive) i
switched, in case of [...] happen stVisu STRING
value in case of an [...] SelectedVisu INT Input st
_NCSymbolResult Inout Const st [...] sub program (case
timestamp of the 1st [...] start time of the 1st [...] case both timestamp
alphabetically, ignoring case [...] CmpAlphabeticallyCI INT Input st1 STRING(512) st2 STRING
alphabetically, ignoring case [...] AlphabeticallyCI INT Input pSt [...] Len1 UDINT pSt2 POINTER TO
(in case of CYCLIC [...] write stName STRING [...] particular channel st
stStyleKey STRING [...] found. st [...] case, the method
stStyleKey STRING [...] found. In case of a [...] case, the method