ScriptTextListObject ¶ class ScriptTextListObject. ScriptText
TextualObject. ScriptText [...] Interface for a text [...] text document in
. EnableTextPrompts = 4 ¶ Enables a basic text [...] information. Text = 16
DeclObjectName , stDeclObjectText [...] declaration object. stDeclObjectText [...] declaration text in the
. property Text [...] . Return type : Text [...] VersionInfoObject2.TextElements instead
ImagePoolObjectContainer ScriptTextListObject ScriptTextListMarker ScriptText
plain text (which is [...] prefer the plain text [...] Company Text Serves for
plain text (which is [...] prefer the plain text
Status [Obsolete(“use ‘LocalText [...] , text and property [...] LocalText
property AdditionallyAllowedText [...] . Use RawUrlText to get the raw text of