libraries and device [...] device descriptions [...] libraries or device
simulated device, i.e. in [...] device description [...] on a device in
placeholders. Device Description: For device [...] defined in a device
unique name! The name [...] name is configurable [...] attribute „external_name
Name (CN)’ of the [...] CertInfo . The use case name sUseCaseName [...] CertInfo : STRING := 'MyCommonName
library name in the [...] device for executing [...] device. Precondition
library reference (Name [...] name. So in the [...] differently. The Device
into a device, if [...] this device. After [...] version, to a device
following meaning: Name [...] Title Text Name of [...] library has no device
) device. Result := Sys [...] Period := [(sName:='UTC [...] ) *) sName:='CET', dt